It was eight years ago that I qualified to work as a Counsellor after a total of eight years study / training, which also included 100’s of hours of my own personal therapy and this has helped me in my work with dogs ever since.
The knowledge & awareness I gained through this journey has helped me in my work with dog & their humans ever since
My work as a Counsellor has been something I never imagined I’d get into, it was purely to help me in interviews for applying to Youth Work roles. I never expected to feel quite natural and at ease in the counselling world, I really enjoyed the self reflection & helping others with theirs
As a dog behaviourist a large part of my role is to actively listen to people, allowing them a safe space to express themselves through an approach of ‘Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard & Congruence’.
You may have heard of this as Carl Rogers ‘Core Conditions’.
Allowing for understanding of the situations of others (Humans & Dogs).
Unconditional Positive Regard
Space for others to express themselves without judgment, this gives space for their actions/thoughts/feelings to be challenged with positive intentions to assist them in ‘Self-Actualisation’.
Offering reflections to others in a genuine manner to help them & I to understand things clearer, seeking clarity to move towards ‘Self-Actualisation’.
Exploring the ‘What, Why & How’ of every Dog & their humans behaviours to assist them to go from ‘Plight, to creating positive choices for all of their benefit and the world around them
What is going on?
Why is it happening?
How can change take place?
If you’d like to dive deeper into this, just reach out and say hi for a conversation with me